Towards the end of 2022, Peter Horrobin began a series of Blogs which have tracked his personal journey of understanding of the End-Times Church and which are now foundational to the work of Gates of Hope International.
Faith in Action – a New Year Message for 2025
An inactive faith that shakes nothing will never change the world. The ministry of Jesus was love in action. It shook the religious hierarchy to the core with unmatchable, life-transforming, power and authority. The Pharisees tried to quench the fire at Calvary, but the cross became the gateway to resurrection life which, empowered by the Holy Spirit, changed the history of the world.
GOHI Newsmail – December 2024
2024 has been a year of extraordinary blessing, but lived out in a world where wars, rumours of wars, floods and disasters, extraordinary politics and governmental decisions have grabbed the headlines week after week. To quote the prophet Joel, we are living in a season when the “the joy of mankind is withered away” (Joel 1:12), as our TV screens bombard us with images of suffering from so many different parts of the world.
In the Midst of Darkness . . . There is HOPE!
Right now the darkness over our nation has reached a new intensity. But just as the stars shine the brightest on the darkest of nights, the ‘Lord of all Hopefulness’ still reigns and His Star is still guiding those who choose to follow Him – even in the midst of extreme darkness.
GOHI Newsmail – November 2024
We love Romania! What a beautiful country!! But, even more importantly, what an amazing team of Kingdom minded people God has raised up to lead Elpis, the work of GOHI in Romania.
GOHI Newsmail – October 2024
It’s just a year since, in faith, we launched Gates of Hope International (GOHI). God opened the door and we walked through it, not knowing what He had in store! But when it is God who opens a door, I have learnt not to be surprised at the blessing that follows!
We adopted the same name for this new work that Steve had used for the ministry in Israel, Gates of Hope (Sha’arei Tikva in Hebrew) – a name which has deep meaning for all the GOHI ministries internationally.