GOHI Newsmail – April 2024
On behalf of all of us at GOHI, thank you for your interest in what God is doing through the work.
GOHI has taken off – and is flying! After months of preparation, not only is the new website open at www.gohi.world but all the ministries in the GOHI Network are working together in harmony and taking ground for the Kingdom of God.
Amazing News Update from GOHI Arab World Ministries
Ground-breaking Conference of Arab Nations
We write this with hearts brimming over with praise and thankfulness to the Lord for the amazing conference we have just held in the Middle East: an incredible, groundbreaking event, a time of huge encouragement as Peter Horrobin, powerfully anointed by the Holy Spirit, taught and ministered to pastors and leaders from all over the Middle East.
GOHI in the Arab World
As our long-standing work in the Middle East was freshly established as GOHI Arab World Ministries, we said, in a very simple way, “Here we are, Lord!” When He replied, “Go!” in simple trust (and trepidation!) we went! And now we find ourselves having the joy of partnering daily with Him in His End Time purposes, as part of Gates of Hope International.
Man Healed as Jill Teaches
Jesus has healed me!
When I was aged 13 I was diagnosed with Perthe’s disease, a serious condition of the hip joint. I spent 6 months in a Childrens Hospital on Traction, lying very still on a tilted bed with heavy weights attached to my legs. After 4 months I was operated on and I spent 6 weeks in a half body plaster.