GOHI in Asia

Gates of Hope International in ASIA

Preliminary Announcement

GOHI’s work in Asia is to network across the nations, with churches and other organisations, teaching and ministering the healing and deliverance ministry of Jesus Christ, in accordance with the Great Commission (Isaiah 61, Matthew 13:47 and 28:19-20).
GOHI in Asia is under the spiritual cover of Gates of Hope International, headed up by Peter Horrobin, who founded Ellel Ministries International.

Vision and Mission

Our vision and mission is to resource and equip the Body of Christ in the work of healing and discipleship across the 48 nations of Asia, and Asians’ diaspora. And to facilitate this by the planting of healing ministries, and eco-resorts in Asian nations, to meet physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of individuals and families, as a resource and equipping arm to the communities. (Mark 16:15-20).


Executive Directors: [email protected]; [email protected]

Directors for Singapore: [email protected]; [email protected]

Directors for Sabah: [email protected]; [email protected]

Directors for Penang: [email protected]; [email protected]

Director for Kuala Lumpur/Klang Valley: [email protected]

Director for Thailand: [email protected]


Watch out for More Announcements and Asian News Soon!


Contact Us

Singapore: +65 62524234

Sabah: +60 88277994 and +60 146226033

Kuala Lumpur/Klang Valley: +60 163322893

Penang: +60 182980911

Thailand: +66 878070747