Who We Are – and What We Do

We are pleased to share with friends and supporters old and new, that Gates of Hope International has been growing steadily and strongly and we are now in a position to share more of how the Lord is leading us forward.

he name Gates of Hope evoked a deep awakening in the many leaders around the world who became the core of what is now known as Gates of Hope International (GOHI).

The foundational year of GOHI concluded with almost all the GOHI leaders meeting together in Switzerland in July 2024, where we experienced an outpouring of God’s presence and grace. Deep relational bonds were established across the network, endorsing a collective call to mission, with our lives laid down for Him.

The Work Going Forward


n Switzerland the GOHI Leaders discussed the essence of an organisational framework that would be needed to enable the work of GOHI to move forward, fulfilling the purposes for which God had so evidently drawn the various ministry leaders together as a network. In forming and developing GOHI, it soon became necessary for it to have a shape and collective vision, ethos and goals.

GOHI, as a network, is designed to give freedom to each individual Leader, ministry and local charitable entity to respond to God’s vision and calling for their unique work, and grow in the most appropriate way in their location, culture and environment.

Each GOHI ministry, therefore, is individual in its calling, and the outworking of that call. It is for the encouragement and nurture of all the ministries in the network that we, Peter and Fiona, personally sensed God’s call to serve GOHI in this season of our lives, under His directing hand.

The spiritual DNA of Gates of Hope International remains the same as that which was birthed in us by the Holy Spirit back in 1986. The commission to bring the good news of the gospel and  healing to those in need, and making true and effective disciples, remains the focus wherever the Lord leads us.

GOHI is non-denominational, Kingdom focussed and anchored in orthodox Biblical theology.  Healing and evangelism were inseparable in the ministry of Jesus and the life of the early church. Nothing has changed. Our hearts’ cry for God’s people, the Church, the Body of Christ, is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, doing the works of the Kingdom of God – either in wider organisations or in the local church.

We are no longer able to run centres ourselves, so our desire today is to use our forty years of experience in healing, evangelism and discipleship as a source of encouragement to all the ministries that form the GOHI Network. Additionally we would want to be an inspiration and help to additional ministries and church fellowships,  which share the vision and want to become part of what God is doing through GOHI.

Peter and Fiona Horrobin – January 2025

The GOHI Framework

Vision and Mission

“Without vision people are perishing” (Proverbs 29:18)

od leads his people through vision, and then with the application of faith and obedience the works of the Kingdom of God are fulfilled. The ministry of GOHI originated in the vision God gave Peter Horrobin back in the nineteen-eighties, which was first realised through the work that became known as Ellel Ministries.

“Healing the broken-hearted . . .  setting the captives free” (Isaiah 61:1). “Go . . . make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

The spiritual DNA of GOHI remains faithful to Peter’s original vision, bringing God’s healing through the application of Scriptural truth under the anointing and in the power of the Holy Spirit, through teaching, writing, training and conferences. Healing, deliverance, evangelism and making disciples are foundational to the work.

We aim to spread the message of the Gospel, encourage spiritual growth and inspire believers to fulfil their personal destiny as disciples of Jesus Christ, serving God in and through the life of the local church.



ates of Hope International is a UK registered charity which provides the legal and organisational foundation for the administration of the ministry and the handling of corporate finances, which includes fund-raising and the support of pioneering ministries.


  • Peter Horrobin
  • Michael Stewart
  • Jill Southern
  • Jilly Lyon Taylor


  • Julie Smith

Each GOHI ministry has its own leader and leadership team. But all the ministries together form a relational network. Some of the Leaders will also serve as an Accreditation Panel, seeking to guide and direct new ministries, as and when they desire to become part of the GOHI Network.

Covenantal Structure


he nature of the relationships between different GOHI ministries is covenantal. All are committed to a servant-hearted leadership model, supporting one another in serving the Lord through the vision and mission of GOHI, in accordance with established theological foundations, scriptural understandings and ministry practices. Prayer and intercession are at the heart of all spheres of service.

Where one ministry has a known expertise, particularly helpful experience or a unique resource, then sharing that with other GOHI ministries will be a precious part of the covenantal relationship.  Moving forward in faith and unity together is vital to the way each individual work will operate within the corporate ministry.

Groups of ministries are free to form a local organisational structure in order to more effectively facilitate the work in different regions of the world, as is already the case with the various Asian ministries.

Healing and Training Centres


he sale of the Pierrepont Training and Ministry Centre by Ellel Ministries International was a huge loss to the Body of Christ. GOHI recognises the need for residential places where this ministry can once again be established under the GOHI banner and continue the precious work of bringing hope and healing to the hurting and broken-hearted.

Legal and Financial


ust as Gates of Hope International, as a UK registered charity, is accountable to the legal and financial authorities of the United Kingdom, each GOHI ministry is responsible for the management of its own affairs and, where necessary, is accountable to the financial and legal authorities of their own local jurisdiction.

As part of their covenantal commitment, as members of GOHI, each ministry will share in making provision for the whole work, by making an annual membership donation to support the core administrative expenses of Gates of Hope International – such as accountancy, website development, database management, travel and all essential administrative expenses.

At its heart GOHI is a faith based ministry which will seek the Lord’s provision first and foremost and trust Him for supply. Prayer and intercession will be a primary focus of the ministry as the Lord moves us forward into His vision for the work.



e pray the GOHI website will generate interest and support for the work and will be used by the Lord to resource and facilitate His purposes.

It is our prayer that GOHI  will be able to support the operation of existing and new works with the provision of training materials and administrative guidelines, to help ministries get established and then grow into their potential.

This will include the development of training and ministry courses, on-line resources and books.

While information about each GOHI ministry will be included on the GOHI website, each GOHI ministry will be responsible for organising its own sphere of work and generating suitable local publicity and support.



here is a shared oversight of the whole ministry by the foundational leaders, which provides covering, encouragement, direction, and correction if necessary, and above all prayerful guidance.

The Current Network of Ministries

Joining GOHI


oth established ministries and newly-formed ministries are welcome to apply to join the GOHI Network, following a process of accreditation before becoming Members.

Still Have Questions?

We will be pleased to hear from you. Tell us what you want to know.