Ways To Give

Supporting the work

Most of the established GOHI Ministries have their own financial supporters, but for those who don’t, our prayer is that the Lord will touch hearts to give into these ripe harvest fields.   There are and will be some ministries which may never be self-funding.  GOHI is committed to ensuring that the work in difficult and desperate environments, for example Israel and the Arab speaking nations receive adequate support.

All the Ministries need and value prayer support. As time goes by reports and news of the work will be regularly added to the website and sent to supporters in Newsmails. Testimonies, will share the fruit of the work of GOHI, as it brings healing to the broken and provides places for those who are traumatised or in need of receiving help.

Become a GOHI Monthly Partner

GOHI Monthly Partners will help secure the financial foundations of the work, and provide regular support for the centres in most need through completing a monthly contribution by banker’s standing order. To become a GOHI Monthly Partner, please click on the GOHI Monthly Partners button.

Supporting the work

Donations to the work may be made online by clicking on the DONATE button.

GOHI Monthly Partners

To become a GOHI Monthly Partner, please click on the DONATE button.
DONATE as a Monthly Partner

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We will be pleased to hear from you. Tell us what you want to know.