GOHI Newsmail – April 2024
“Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations.” Isaiah 62:10

Dear GOHI Friends,
On behalf of all of us at GOHI, thank you for your interest in what God is doing through the work.
GOHI has taken off – and is flying! After months of preparation, not only is the new website open at www.gohi.world but all the ministries in the GOHI Network are working together in harmony and taking ground for the Kingdom of God.
New doors are opening, presenting new opportunities. New training courses are under development. With a strong emphasis on Evangelism, the ministries of Healing and Deliverance are playing a vital role in healing ‘the broken-hearted and setting the captives free’ (Is 61:1).
Pioneering in the Middle East
Right now newsfeeds from the Middle East are consumed with the war in Gaza. But, beneath the surface God is on the move and different battles are being fought in both Israel and the Arabic speaking worlds.
I have just returned from the Middle East where I had the extraordinary privilege of teaching healing foundations to Arabic speaking Christian leaders from twenty-two different nations. I was deeply impacted by their radical love for Jesus.
Today, God is speaking to individuals right across the Arab world and they are turning to the living God. And in fufilment of Isaiah 19:21, He is healing them:
“So the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians . . . they will turn to the Lord, and he will respond to their pleas and heal them.”
God’s healing penetrates beyond the mind. Just as a picture can speak a thousand words, God’s healing transforms minds that have been darkened by generations of false beliefs.
Sameh and Liz Khalil, our GOHI leaders based in Egypt, have just sent in a remarkable update from the region. They begin their report by saying:
“We write with hearts brimming over with praise and thankfulness to the Lord for the amazing conference we have just held in the Middle East: an incredible, groundbreaking event, a time of huge encouragement, powerfully anointed by the Holy Spirit, ministering to Arabic-speaking pastors and leaders from twenty-two different nations . . .”
To read the whole of their astounding report please see the link at the foot of this letter.
God is moving powerfully beneath the surface in Israel as well. More and more Jewish people are discovering that Yeshua (Jesus) really is their Messiah. And God is at work in the midst of the national trauma introducing people to Yeshua, as their Healer. A new ‘Healing from Trauma’ ministry course is emerging as Steve takes ‘Creativity on the Road’ to different parts of the country, at a time when people are fearful to travel far from their homes for ministry and training.
Restoring Godly Order
The restoration of Godly order in a person’s life has always been at the heart of the ministry I first established, nearly forty years ago. And bringing Godly order through Bible-based mentoring is at the heart of what God is doing through a new ten-part, online, Keys to Effective Living training programme being developed by God’s Holy Mountain, our ministry to the Russian speaking world. Mikhail and Olga are already receiving profound responses to the course:
“Please accept my gratitude from the bottom of my heart! This is a huge amount of work – very wisely constructed – I simply received a new spiritual ‘blood transfusion’. Thank you!! “
An English version of this ground-breaking course is in preparation.
GOHI in Asia
When seeking God’s answers for healing of the very hurting and broken, especially those devastated through abuse, my wife Fiona discovered how God’s gift of creativity helped people to know Him for themselves and receive healing from their Creator. Since then, Fiona’s Healing Through Creativity ministry has gone round the world, with profound and lasting effect, touching the lives of many thousands.
God used creativity powerfully on the latest residential course in Sabah (Malaysia). Very deep healing took place as many people re-discovered themselves and touched the heart of God.

“When I lifted up the banner, I had such a deep impression of lifting up Jesus. The presence of His love and healing was so strong.”
“I felt God was always speaking to me, revealing, comforting, promising, being present and helping me, and above all restoring me.”
“Through the prayers and worship. I felt God’s peace and joy healing me. There is so much joy and peace in my heart.”

Titus and Esther Soo, the Asian leaders, tell me that for the whole work of GOHI in Asia, the Lord has given new direction to network with churches and organizations. In this new era the Lord has opened many doors across the region. Local churches are inviting the Singapore team to teach and train their leaders and staff. And excitingly, new horizons are being reached in other countries and regions – more about this in the next Newsmail.
Relationship Healing
At Prairie Winds in Canada, Alexander and Marion Morrison are experiencing a wave of relationship healing. A couple with deep discord in their marriage for over 12 years, threatening divorce, experienced a fundamental restoration of their relationship. They were able to forgive each other from their hearts, releasing bitterness and unmet expectations.
A young man consumed with bitterness arising from an unhealed relationship allowed the Lord to bring healing to his heart and soul. This brought about a deep change in his outlook and countenance. He has a new joy and laughter that has been missing for many years. This is the bread and butter of the Kingdom of God!
Romanian Expansion

The work in Romania, known as Elpis (Hope), has exploded across the nation, with monthly ‘Kingdom Truths’ training and healing courses now taking place in the four key cities of Bucharest, Cluj, Timișoara, and Iași. The fruit of healed lives is a powerful evangelistic message which is reaching far beyond the four walls of the church.
Our Romanian leaders, David and Michelle Moza, tell me that whole churches are being impacted by the five-day Discover course based on my book of the same name. Many other life-changing books are now available in Romanian through the Elpis Publishing House.

Fiona, with Julie Smith and Jilly Lyon-Taylor, will be leading a teaching team to Romania from the 18th to the 21st April. They will really value your prayers as they train the Romanian team in how to minister to some of the most hurting victims of trauma and abuse.
Bulgarian Developments
Jivko and Iliana Ivanov, the Bulgarian leaders, are urgently working on getting key ministry books and Peter’s Discover Video Course into Bulgarian – at the same time as building the Kingdom one life at a time through personal ministries and discovering that healed lives are a powerful evangelistic message.
The brother and daughter of one healed lady were so impacted that they wanted Jesus’s healing for themselves! A Pastor asked for help with one of his people who was so fearful that he daren’t even go outside. His background in the occult and many types of addiction had given the enemy control of his life. His non-Christian parents were so impacted by the change in his life that they ceased wanting him to have psychiatric care. His pastor can hardly believe the transformation in his life. And through creativity God is restoring his lost identity – what a miracle working God we serve!
Living-Bridge Ministries UK
In the UK, Living Bridge Ministries, founded by Jill Southern, and established to serve the needs of the Greater London area following the closure of Pierrepont, has already conducted its first Healing Retreats. They are excited to be planning a special launch Conference on the first of June – at Pierrepont! Watch out for details! I’m looking forward to being there.
Supporting the Work of GOHI
GOHI is both a new and an old network of ministries. Experienced leaders are pioneering in ways that I could never have anticipated. Some of the GOHI ministries are already self-supporting and doing an amazing work.
But the pioneering work that is now growing day by day in places like Israel and the Middle East urgently needs encouragement, prayer and financial support. So, I have no hesitation is asking if you will help us bring this precious harvest home by supporting the work of GOHI with your giving.
We will deeply appreciate whatever you might be able to donate as a one-off gift, but the regular monthly giving as a GOHI Partner will provide secure ongoing support, ensuring that month by month the costs of extending God’s Kingdom through GOHI are provided for. To support the work with your giving please go to https://www.gohi.world/give-serve/
Peter Horrobin
Founder, Gates of Hope International
You can read the whole of the astounding Middle East report on the GOHI News Page or click this button
To support the work with your giving please go to www.gohi.world/give-serve/ or click the button: