GOHI Newsmail – July 2024
“David enquired of the Lord . . . The Lord answered him . . . So David did as the Lord commanded.”
(from 2 Samuel 5:19-25)

Dear GOHI Friends,
God Loves Remnants!
“David enquired of the Lord . . . The Lord answered him . . . So David did as the Lord commanded.” (from 2 Samuel 5:19-25)
God has already blessed the work of Gates of Hope International (GOHI) in ways beyond anything we could have ever dreamt of or imagined. When, in response to the prayers of many people, the Holy Spirit led us to establish GOHI as a relational network of thirteen international ministries we had no idea what might unfold in the days to come.
We enquired of the Lord, as David did, the Lord has answered our prayers and we are simply moving forward in obedience to His leading.
At first, it felt as though we were trusting the Lord in the midst of a cloud, without being able to see the way ahead. But now the cloud is lifting and a new vista is opening up for the ministry. Not only is the Lord leading the different ministries forward, in training and personal ministry, but entirely new “gates of hope” are being opened.
Arab World Training and Videos
Following on from the Arab World training conference in Turkey, we are now preparing for a major new development, as we teach and train a group of Arab Leaders here in the UK from the 5th to the 9th August.
Every session will be professionally videoed, so that Sameh and Liz Khalil, our Arab World leaders, will have the video resources to use across all the Arabic speaking Middle Eastern nations. This will also serve as a resource we can release to Arabic speaking congregations in many other countries of the world.
We are deeply grateful that all the costs of this exciting development have been met by readers of my Blog, who have generously given to make it all possible.
GOHI Leaders – Switzerland Prayer and Planning Conference
From the 10th to the 17th July most of the GOHI Leaders will be gathering in Switzerland for a week of prayer and planning as we continue to follow David’s example – enquiring of the Lord, listening to His guidance and stepping out in obedience.
There are many things that God has already laid on our hearts, but we now need to really know from the Lord how, when and where He wants us to move forward.
New Materials for a New Season of World History
The world scenery is changing rapidly in a myriad of ways. All that God has taught us in years gone by, about discipleship and healing, remains precious to the Body of Christ, but few believers would argue that many of the events prophesied in Scripture are not happening around us.
The signs of the end-times are screaming out from the world’s media as believers are beginning to read the news with an open Bible in their hands.
New resources to prepare believers for the days ahead are urgently needed and I am sensing that this is one of the items that God has on His agenda for GOHI.
New Fields
Here in the UK, Living Bridge Ministries has opened new gates of hope for those in the greater London area. RCCG, the new owners of Pierrepont, have graciously opened their doors for Jesus Heals Days and local churches are welcoming the ministry to conduct Healing Retreats and training courses on their premises. There is always a way to move forward with what God began – the purposes of God cannot be thwarted!
In Israel, in the middle of the ongoing war situation, Steve Dunham, the leader of GOHI’s work in Israel, is now pioneering Zoomed teachings across the nation, especially on healing from the effects of trauma.
New Works. In Romania, plans are being laid down for bringing teaching on healing to the Orthodox Church. And more new works are being pioneered in completely new areas of the world – more news coming soon!
Prayer – the Fuel of the Kingdom!
When Hudson Taylor was pioneering the work of the China Inland Mission (CIM) at the end of the nineteenth century, he spent many hours sending news and stories back home, telling of what God was doing and what their needs were.
These missives were formed into a prayer letter called China’s Millions, which was printed and mailed out to tens of thousands of supporters who provided the prayer fuel which kept the ministry supported and provided for in every possible way.

Today, Hudson Taylor would have been sending out emails like this – instantly spread throughout the world by internet! And my prayer now, as I am writing these words, is that you will join with us in prayer for GOHI in just the same way. With the fuel of prayer, the fires of the Kingdom will burn brightly. Prayer truly does change things and we will be deeply grateful for your prayers for all that God is doing through GOHI.
Thank You
A huge thank you from me and all the GOHI leaders for your prayers, giving and support in so many ways. May the Lord bless all that you are involved in for the Kingdom as you share with us in the works God has called into being through GOHI.
Peter Horrobin and the GOHI Team
You can share in supporting this precious work by giving on our Donations page. We are currently investing greatly in the work in the Middle East, in both Israel and the Arab world, helping to ‘rebuild the walls and restore the gates’. Anything you can do to help will be deeply appreciated. To make a donation now, please go to:
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